
Version 5.3.1 (Build 4)

Features, Versions

New Features:

  • Load time property TextDblDraw, which reduces text anti-aliasing.
    Accessed via:


Bugs Fix:

  • Prevent cases where two date labels have no spacing in between.

Version 5.3.1 (Build 3)

Features, Versions

New Features:

  • API SetNumFuturesBars to change the future bars buffer’s size and zoom length after switching off expiration mode.
  • Two new properties for vAxis to limit drawing range away from top and bottom.
    vMarginPixelsBottom and vMarginPixelsTop.
  • API doc has new hAxis and vAxis sections.
  • ZoomOnDateRange API to zoom on a specific time-range.
  • API AddImage / DeleteImage to add / delete an image shape.

Bugs Fix:

  • Only first text shape is loaded if more than one.
  • MFI indicator, when negative flow is zero showed 99.01 instead of 100.
  • The Chart doesn’t show the right number of dates when the number of candles is small.

Version 5.3.1 (build 2)

Features, Versions

New Features:

  • HLine parameter which make it part of the Price range calculation.
    This will make sure the line is always inside the View-Port.
  • Alignment values for HLine to enable showing the label above or below the line.
  • hAxis has now properties (backward compatible):
    • showLastDate – To force showing last candle date (false by default).
    • showFutureDates – Show future dates (true by default).
  • StopExpiration API to change the Chart mode from BinaryOption expiration to regular left scrolling chart.
  • Enabling expiration back via UpdateExpirationField.
  • Adding label API has a new property, strLabelAlignment to set the alignment of the label inside the BOX and iLabelPadding, to set the padding for this label.


Version 5.3.1

Features, Versions

New Features:

  • Support compact Core release for mobile.
    Reduces above 20% of the ChartCore combined file by removing unneeded code for mobile.
  • Scripts-Injection for changing the Symbols browse form style (e.g. fields’ alignment) and brand logo water mark.
  • Draw above / below range with gradient fill.
  • Draw labels with a position option of left, center, right or on a specific candle with dynamic style and surrounding box.
  • Ability to change the price style on the fly.
    e.g. change the price line color based on a user position VS last price.
  • Horizontal padding on the left side of the date axis.
  • Ability to define the number of price labels on price axis and the space between them.
    The labels will be centered vertically.


  • Price style is now saved with the template / analysis.

Bugs Fix:

  • Problem when opening saved templates converted from the FLEX version.
  • StdDev calculation for Bollinger-Bands
  • Volume not fully aligned with the candles.
  • Area rendering bug from V5.3.0.
  • Firefox issues with symbol display area (Asset name overlapped the time-scale label).

Version 5.3.0

Features, Versions

New Features:

  • Two API calls to fetch and set indicators and drawings: GetTAObject and SetTAObject.
    When fetching the current system, new flag enable fetching symbol, timescale, drawings, indicators and/or price-type.
  • Time-Toolbar has new configurable buttons, where you define the time-range to display instead of time-scales (e.g. YTD, ALL, 5Y), where 5Y = last 5 years of data.
  • Price type now saves/loads with each system.
  • A new VRange shape with gradient style via the AddVRangeV2 API call.
  • Customer can define the number of price labels and the spacing between them via numLabels and vAxis.labelStepSize API properties.
  • Animated glowing circle on real-time tick via AnimLightDot API property.
  • Custom load-time animation graphics via events.layout.onPreloadStart and function callbacks.
  • API to change asset-search request-delay time via  objChartMain1.apiinit.searchDelay


  • TimeScale menu and toolbar items are text and now supports any timescale variation (e.g. 7h, 39m, 50s, etc…).
    Your server will have to support these historical time-scales.

Version 5.2.5

Features, Versions

New Features:

  • BI API for each button/menu click.
  • Ability to reduce download bandwidth.
    Also, the Customer can override the version signature with a fixed string instead of loading the version file.
    By using this feature the customer will be responsible to change the signature each new version/sub version.
  • Ability to set the toolbar selection style via a dedicated class.

Bugs Fix:

  • Snapshot while legend is hidden via CSS won’t show it.
  • Separate numeric fields’ handler, to prevent conflicts with 3rd party libraries.
  • Removing vertical scrollbar on full page in several occasions.